The Ogbe-Okwe Erosion Site is located at Ukwu-Nzu, Aniocha North LGA, Delta State with coordinates of Latitude N 6° 23′ 106″ & Longitude E 6° 28′ 52.7″ with estimated length and depth of 600m and 11m respectively. The site which is located in a highly populated area is categorized as severe. Altogether, 113 respondents or Household Heads.
The Ogbe-Okwe Erosion Site is located at Ukwu-Nzu in Aniocha North LGA, Delta State with coordinates of Latitude N 6° 23′ 106″ and Longitude E 6° 28′ 52.7″ with estimated length and depth of 600m and 11m respectively. The site is located in a low density populated area with the gully development at an intercession of two village earth roads and is categorized as very severe. The gully has ceased to expand and in actual fact the whole length of the gully is covered with thick undergrowth thereby leaving the gully to self-healing. The severe flooding and erosion problems experienced in this area has been investigated by concerned environment personnel and noted as one of the ecological priority zones for flooding and erosion control in the State. The gully is said to have started over ten years ago as a result of the heavy drain from several uncontrolled adjoining streets drainages into a very sloppy section and weak soils of the town. The area of the gully sub-watershed is estimated at 203,621 sq m, width at the gully head is put at 65.1ft, depth is 71.0ft, and gradient of the slope is 0.20. At the middle course of the gully, the width is 72.12ft; depth is 65.6ft with slope gradient of 0.22. At the gully few houses are severely threatened.
The Rehabilitation/Construction of Ogbe-Ukwe Gully Erosion Site, Ukwu-Nzu, was awarded 4th September, 2020 to Messrs Levant Construction Ltd, with a duration of 9 months that is 31st June 2021 being the expected completion date. The contract have been completed since the 28th February 2022.
Activities; Earth works, Gully Rehabilitation, Construction of line drains, Drop structure, Rip Rap, Road works, Gabion works and Bioremediation.