In many areas, climate change is likely to increase water demand while shrinking water supplies. This shifting balance has challenged water managers to meet the needs of growing communities, sensitive ecosystems, farmers, ranchers, energy producers, and manufacturers while also ensuring availability and replenishment at source. In some areas, residents are more concerned with danger posed by increased runoff, flooding or rise in sea level than they are about water shortages. This is because runoff and flooding may even affect quality of portable water sources and can damage the infrastructure that we use to transport and deliver water.
Essentiality of The Project
- Need to provide safe drinking water for the community
- Need to meet with the demand of an increasing population or the reduction in quantity of good and potable water.
- Ubulu-Uku is a peri-urban center located at about the highest point in the state. This translates to a very low water table making exploration for water rather difficult for the average member of this community.
- Providing access to clean water during the dry season and with proximity to the village center and the palace, which had lacked potable water except for water made available through tankers and wells that get exhausted in the dry season.
- A need for the poor in the community to have access to portable water for free. Prior to now, only the well-off have access to clean water.
- Eliminating the insecurity that exist in the community among those who can’t afford clean water.
To meet with above essentialities, Delta NEWMAP undertook to make available a solar powered borehole system in the community. It is a great feat and a first of its kind as all other borehole systems around were either abandoned or not good enough for drinking. Members of the community participated actively in the process of making water available and are indeed overwhelmed by the success of the project.